New Regenerative AC/DC Sources, Grid Simulators & Loads

The industry's most flexible, high performing, and intelligent regenerative series.

6/26 - Live Webinar - Regenerative Grid Simulator: How to Test Smarter, Faster & More Effectively

A Global Leader in AC & DC Power Test Solutions

Founded in 1971, Pacific Power Source is a leading test equipment manufacturer and trusted partner. We provide best-in-class programmable AC & DC power source and electronic loads with a focus on product innovation, intelligence, and ease of use. 

Innovate the way you test.

Performance Safety
& Reliability

Best-in-Class User

Versatility &



Customer Support

The All-in-1 AC/DC Regenerative Source & Load

The AGX is an All-in-1 Regenerative 4-Quadrant AC & DC Power Source, Current Source, Power Supply, and Optional Load in a compact 4 U chassis. This flexible, high performing, and intelligent test system makes it an ideal choice for AC and DC regenerative power applications that require wide ranging capabilities.

All-in-1 regenerative AC DC power source - AGX series

Innovate the Way you Test with Smart Power

Pacific Power Source’s new line of regenerative AC and DC power sources and electronic loads are designed for today’s growing electrification test requirements. 

The Power of Expertise

At Pacific Power Source, we’re more than a provider… we’re your partner in test pre- and post-sales. From subject matter expertise and training, to systems integration and customer support, we offer the full 360-degree experience, worldwide.

Power Test Solutions

Visit Us at ITEC 2024 in Rosemont, IL at Booth #8

We’re exhibiting at the ITEC conference in Rosemont, Illinois on June 19-21. Stop by to meet our test experts and get a demo of our new regenerative AC/DC power sources and loads.